Our wood selection allows for true customization.
Please remember that all finishes shown on this site are representative and may not be an exact match to the finish on actual products. Other wood species, finishes and profiles are available in addition to those shown; please contact your customer service representative for more information.
Click a species to reveal details on color/appearance and various grade information.
Color/Appearance: Light to dark reddish-brown in color, pin knots are common, some mineral streaks and sap present.
Premium: Hand selected for color and grain matching that is more consistent than standard grade. Panels are matched with wider staves and small pin knots are possible.
Standard: May have more color and grain variations with the possibility of pin knots, sap and mineral streaks.
Rustic: Color variations will be present with varied stave widths, larger knots with cracks and voids, more sap and mineral streaks.
Color/Appearance: White to light brown in color and larger grain patterns.
Premium: Hand selected for color and grain matching that is more consistent than standard grade. Panels are matched with wider staves
Standard: May have more color and grain variations.
Color/Appearance: Cream to light reds and browns in color, heartwood.
Premium: Hand selected for color and grain matching that is more consistent than standard grade. Panels are matched with wider staves.
Standard: May have more color and grain variations.
Color/Appearance: White to a yellow cream color. Heartwood trends to browns and greys.
Premium: Hand selected for color and grain matching that is more consistent than standard grade. Panels are matched with wider staves.
Standard: May have more color and grain variations.
Color/Appearance: Pinks to reds with sap wood being light pink to white, occasional pin knots, gum and mineral streaks.
Premium: Hand selected for color and grain matching that is more consistent than standard grade. Panels are matched with wider staves. Minimal pin knots, gum, mineral and sap wood present.
Standard: Slightly more colorful than premium with the possibility of pin knots, gum, mineral and sap wood.
Value: More colorful than standard grade. Pin knots, gum, mineral and sap wood are visible on face.
Rustic: Very colorful from whites to reds with staves of varied widths. Larger knots with cracks and voids along with pin knots, gum, mineral, sap wood and worm holes will be present.
Color/Appearance: Whites to dark browns, mineral and small pin knots.
Standard: Colors blended throughout while small amounts of mineral and pin knots may be present.
Rustic: Very colorful due to less blending of color and the staves will be of varied widths. Larger knots with cracks and voids will be present.
Color/Appearance: Light brown to deep reddish brown.
Standard: Selected for consistent color and grain matching.
Color/Appearance: White to cream colored, heartwood being more brown with mineral streaks and pin knots.
Premium: Hand selected for color and grain matching that is more consistent than standard grade. Panels are matched with wider staves. Small pin knots may be possible.
Standard: Some color and grain variations may be present with heartwood and mineral possible in profiled areas along with small pin knots.
Value: More color and grain variations than standard grade with staves of varied widths. Heartwood and mineral along with small pin knots will be present on the face. Not available with a painted finish.
Rustic: Large color and grain variations with staves of varied widths. Larger knots with cracks and voids, mineral streaks and occasional worm holes will be present.
*Rustic grade available as special order
Color/Appearance: Shades from white to light pink to light grey in color, with heartwood being grey to brown in color. Mineral and pin knots present.
Premium: Hand selected colors and grains will vary slightly less than standard and panels matched with wider staves. Small pin knots may be possible.
Standard: Color and grain variations will be present with some mineral streaks and heartwood possible on machined profiled areas.
Color/Appearance: Reddish-brown in color to almost white sapwood with large grain variations, pin knots and mineral.
Premium: Hand selected for color and grain matching that is more consistent than standard grade. Panels are matched with wider staves. Small pin knots possible.
Standard: Some grain and color variation present with possible heartwood and or sapwood on machined profiles along with small pin knots and mineral.
Rustic: Wide range of grain and color variations. Large knots with cracks or voids and mineral present.
Color/Appearance: Reddish-brown in color to almost white sapwood with wavy, flake-like grain, pin knots and mineral.
Standard: Some grain and color variation with possible heartwood and/or sapwood on machined profiled areas. Small pin knots and mineral streaks may be present.
Color/Appearance: Reddish-brown in color to almost white sapwood with straight grain, pin knots, mineral.
Standard: Consistent grain pattern with some color variation and possible heartwood and/or sapwood on machined profiled areas. Small pin knots and mineral streaks may be present.
Color/Appearance: Greenish-grey-brown in color, cream colored sap wood with large grain variations, pin knots and mineral.
Premium: Hand selected for color and grain matching that is more consistent than standard grade. Panels are matched with wider staves. Small pin knots possible may be possible.
Standard: Some grain and color variation along with possible heartwood and/or sapwood on machined profiled areas. Small pin knots and mineral streaks may be present.
Color/Appearance: Greenish-grey-brown in color, cream colored sap wood with wavy, flake-like grain, pin knots and mineral streaks.
Standard: Some grain and color variation with possible heartwood and/or sapwood on machined profiled areas. Small pin knots and mineral may be present.
Color/Appearance: Greenish-grey-brown in color with cream colored sap wood, straight grain, pin knots, mineral streaks.
Standard: Consistent grain with some color variation and possible heartwood and/or sapwood on machined profiled areas. Small pin knots and mineral may be present.
Color/Appearance: Very colorful from white to dark brown and dark green.
Standard: Large color and grain variations with staves of varied widths.
Color/Appearance: Yellowish in color with reddish colored heartwood.
Standard: Some grain and color variation with possible heartwood on machined profiled areas.
Color/Appearance: Yellowish in color with reddish colored heartwood. Large knots with cracks or voids.
Standard: Some grain and color variation with possible heartwood on machined profiled areas. Knots can vary in size, with some knots solid while others have cracks and voids.
Color/Appearance: Colors range from creamy white to light green
Premium: Hand selected for color and grain matching that is more consistent than standard grade. Panels are matched with wider staves.
Standard: Blended grain and color variations.
Color/Appearance: Colors vary from creamy-white sapwood to dark chocolate brown heartwood, pin knots.
Premium: Hand selected for color and grain matching that is more consistent than standard grade. Panels are matched with wider staves. Small pin knots may be possible.
Standard: Some color and grain variations with possible heartwood and/or sapwood on machined profiled areas. Small pin knots and mineral streaks may be present.
Wood Grades
Standard Grade—Uniform in color (except for Hickory) and well suited for most light to medium-dark stain applications; each door is selected for uniform color and graining.
Premium Grade—Hand-selected to ensure superior color and grain match on the face of the doors; recommended when using a natural or very light sprayed on stain.
Rustic Grade—For solid wood doors and drawer fronts only; variations include mineral streaks, sap and heartwood; knots are common but will be structurally sound. *Not available on all species
Paint Grade—May have extreme color and grain variations with mineral streaks and heartwood; to prevent cracking, we recommend an MDF panel for painted finishes rather than solid wood.
Value Grade—For price-sensitive projects; best for medium to dark finishes; a mixture of sap and light heartwood blended throughout as well as natural mineral streaks. *Not available on all species